Oct 20, 2015

Life in the blackberry patch and it's a struggle!

This is my enemy right now. Rampant blackberry all over what used to be a garden. I've been gradually hacking away at it section by section. Oh for perfect soil and no blackberry, but all I have is hard impacted clay from years of stock walking all over it and not much else. It's disheartening to even thing about it, But over time I have coaxed what was a struggling mandarin tree to grow. This year it's twice as big as it was back in 2012. Here it is in the photo below a struggling sad tree not anymore. I put a tyre around it and started putting in horse manure and any other organic matter I could find plus a good dose of blood and bone. It worked. Each year since I've mad sure it's well fed. Someone made the mistake of suggesting I should put lime in my soil with a PH of 8.6 no way!

Here's what I did today:

  • Planted a Beefsteak tomato plant to join a second for our own use\
  • Dug out a huge blackberry root that has bugged me for years
  • Finished building a tyre wall in the first stage of the growing area
  • Prepared a bed for my Moulin Rouge sunflower seeds
  • Made up four more trays of seeds to germinate
  • Dug out heaps of unwanted Californian thistles
  • Listened to the third lecture in the course I'm doing with the Open Permaculture School
I've had a great day and a very productive one. I woke up this morning feeling much more grounded and with a sense of purpose. I won't say that my depression wasn't trying to get me down. It was but I carried on. I know now I've done the right thing by making a firm decision to get out of the mire I'm in and keep moving forward. I am going to make this work. Happy me!


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